Minggu, 27 Maret 2011


Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
       Mount is one of the unusual environment inhabited by humans. But the mountain is often the place of first choice for some people to their activities. Natural conditions on the mountain is very difficult to predict. Sometimes the weather is sunny but with a matter of minutes has become a rain accompanied by strong winds. Also very cold weather in the mountains. No wonder so many accidents on the mountain. How to get started well before undertaking activities in the mountain is an act of survival is the main and most easily done, but the benefits are very large for human life. Know the terrain In general, the terrain on the mountain is dangerous, especially for people who never knew him, but for some people the mountain is a very loved for its natural beautiful. In addition there is the sensation of its own for people who can climb and reach the top of the mountain.
1. Here are a few things about the field conditions on the mountain:
     1. The cold temperatures, several mountains in Indonesia can even reach 0 degrees Celsius.
     2. Contours of uneven ground, a lot of ravines and valleys.
     3. Some mountain slopes in Indonesia there is a dense forest, so many sources of food and water, but at the top of the mountain, almost no food source.
    4. To the mountain which has a forest on its slopes, there are usually animals such as tigers, boars, poisonous snakes and wild dogs.

2. Preparation Things to be prepared when the volcanic activity are:
     1. The condition of a healthy body.
     2. Mental condition is stable.
     3. The purpose of conducting activities
in the mountain should be clear, so that patterns of activity that can be well planned. Given the conditions in mountain terrain is different from the usual field conditions we face, then there is the equipment and materials we have to prepare and bring namely:
         a. Basic Equipment
            1. Clothing namely: field clothes, jerseys from a material that can absorb sweat, pants (no jeans), dress in moderation, raincoats, socks, gloves, headgear (hats jungle and balaclava), belts, shoes for hiking (tracking .)
            2. Equipment for the rest: shelter (tent-made or natural), sleeping bag, mat or pad.
            3. Equipment for cooking: stove, pots, cups / plates (from plastic or other materials that are not easily broken), pematik fire, and fuel (adjusted for the stove or heater yan available)
            4. Personal equipment: soap, toothbrush, towel, personal medication, needles, thread and other equipment as a habit.
            5. Rucksack or backpack in accordance with luggage and jungle knives and ponchos.
        b. Additional Equipment
            1. Navigation Equipment: GPS, map, compass, wrist watches
            2. Photography Equipment: SLR camera or pocket, camcorders.
            3. Communication equipment: wireless phones, handy talky.

3. Ethics at Mount
     Wherever we are we should still keep the habit of the local environment.
So when doing activities in the mountains, indigenous customs or rules of our thirst for respect and never against it. In addition to respect local customs, here are the things we should do:
     1. Control yourself, and know the ability of self-
     2. Do not leave garbage.
     3. Do not leave the fire.
     4. If you find a food source and water use only as needed.
     5. Keep keseimbangakn existing ecosystems, do damage and give permanent signs on the mountain. • Use a normal and safe path
    6. Always remember where the path that has been passed, if you get lost then it can be returned to its original path.

4. Accidents in the mountains
      Activity in the mountain is prone to accidents. The cause is a condition of extreme terrain on the mountain. Accidents in the mountains is usually caused by:
     1. Cold
Most of the victims of accidents caused by the cold mountain. So to increase the number of victims it is better to act carefully when the cold hit. As a result of cold illness a result of the cold is hypothermia, abnormal condition of the body from the cold (normal human temperature 36-37 degrees Celsius). Hypothermia is caused by heat on the surface of the body is gone so that the organs of your body will experience cold. If the blood vessels to constrict karenan cold it is very fatal consequences, because the body part that stops the blood circulation will be damaged and treatment is amputation. In addition to disturbances in the body's organs, people suffering from hypothermia will lose coordination body and rational mind, would not be surprised if people suffering from hypothermia interlocutor will mess outside conscious, even fainting. Preventing and dealing with cold

Some important points when subjected to freezing are:
a. Keep your clothing and keep dry resting place
b. Keep equipment and clothing worn in a clean condition
c. Meals and drinks are hot and contain lots of calories
d. Reduce unnecessary activities.
e. Taking refuge in a safe place.

To prevent freezing while in the mountains of the easiest is to use cold retaining clothing such as jackets. Keep use clothing that can absorb sweat well as T-shirt from cotton as a first layer that touches the skin. Wear gloves well and good socks and thick enough to withstand the cold. In addition to clothing, to overcome the chill of cold air, is the use of fire. By making the fireplace, the hot body can be better maintained. To make the flame get yourself in order to remain localized. Way as a boundary stone fireplace use and before leaving the place make sure that the fire is completely extinguished, if necessary, wash with water. Do not let the fireplace is made into the cause of destruction of ecosystems. Another way is to consume foods and beverages warm. If cold, the body will react to the burning of calories into heat. But if calories are not available then the consequences will be fatal. So food and warm drinks are cold prevention efforts from within the body good. Keep in mind also that the cold did not attack is not to be on site the wind blows.

2. Hunger
    This is the danger of the most easy to predict and overcome. As a man who every time you eat, then it should be able to measure how much food is needed in a certain period. The formula often used to bring the amount of food needed is 2n +1 (n is the number of days during the conduct of activities), if the activities carried out for 2 days, then carry supplies is 5 x the amount of food under normal conditions. If there was a famine until the causes are: incorrect calculations, missing, or lost so that the activity becomes longer. Starvation would be a serious problem, in a certain period, depending on the conditions of each person, starvation can cause death. The only way to overcome the danger of starvation in the mountains are looking for food and eating.

3. Thirst
     Water is a very important part in the human body. Lack of fluid in the body is very fatal consequences (death) dibandingakan lack of food. Impact of thirst or dehydration are: • Fainting • Loss of orientation and rational mindset
a. Body movements are not coordinated (shaking)
b. Dead If the hydrated state, the emergency measures that must be addressed:
c. Seeking shelter (if the weather is hot)
d. Rest and reduce unnecessary activities.
e. Find sources of water that can be used safely

4. Loss of direction / lost
     Outdoor activities have a major risk getting lost. When people lost their mental condition would then decrease, panic, especially if alone. Here's a tip for dealing with these circumstances:
a. Make sure that the trip, the intended direction correct, at least there are other people who knew him.
b. Always use navigation tools such as maps, compass, GPS, and communications equipment.
c. If you have lost, return to the previous road, if not met then the best step is to stop and rest a minute, think, recognize the field with navigational tools and plan further action - STOP formula (Site, Thingking, Observation, Planing)
d. Use communication tools to mengubungi others.

If you get lost and travel is not possible then the step taken is:
a. Create a sanctuary for rest.
b. Keep the body condition still can work well.
c. Check the equipment and food, if not sufficient, then you should seek.
d. Communication with others, if not possible then make a sign to attract people's attention.

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